The Financial Planning Association has launched an expanded version of its planner search web tool to make it more useful for consumers looking for a financial planner, the FPA announced Tuesday.

The redesigned FPA PlannerSearch platform will provide financial educational content and more information about the Certified Financial Planners listed on the search engine. It is available at

The focus of the updated platform has changed from generating new client business for CFP professionals to driving the visibility of CFP professionals across the web, FPA says.

The new tool will be easier to use across all types of devices and will access more information. Consumers searching for a financial planner will be able to search by zip code, city, state or last name. An advanced search can also be performed to find a CFP professional based on an area of specialty, languages spoken, compensation type and other qualifications.

“We are thrilled to be able to now offer consumers a more robust, more appealing platform to seek out and engage CFP professionals in their respective areas,” says 2016 FPA President Pamela Sandy. More than 8,000 CFP professionals are on the website.

FPA PlannerSearch also has educational content for consumers to learn about their personal financial situations. Authored by CFP professionals, the content will include such things as investments, tax planning, estate planning, divorce and military issues.