Editor’s note: This is the second article in a two-part series.

To read the first article, click here: /news/funding-senior-health-and-care-beyond-simple-dollars-and-cents-34852.html?section=40

Segmentation By Independence

Independence primarily has to do with a person’s physical and mental capacities, coupled with the ability to supplement those as needed. There is virtually an infinite number of ways to supplement these capacities. Some are financial, many are not.

A prime motivation as people age is their desire to maintain control of their lifestyle. Living independently, and in their own home, is a lifestyle that is preferred overwhelmingly across all asset and income classes. However, it means different things to different people. The scope of independence people want often narrows as people age, and how much they actually have depends on how well they age.  

Examples of segments with different forms of supplemental support might include people who choose to:

  1. Live with or close to family members

  2. Band with likeminded seniors to manage their own community like Beacon Hill Village

  3. Simplify their lifestyle and do less “home maintenance” and more golf in retirement. They may choose to live in an “over 55” community, but retain control and responsibility for their medical and nursing care should a need arise.

  4. Live in “continuing care retirement communities” to also opt into the full range of medical, nursing and hospice care.

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