Video is always a hot topic in marketing. And no wonder: It offers 66% more qualified leads per year, much more than other media do. And when there are more than 244 million digital video viewers in the U.S. alone, it’s no challenge for you to reach your ideal audience. Better yet, video adds a sense of quality and personality to a site—it’s the next best thing to a one-on-one meeting.

So if you’re going to take on a new marketing venture this year, why not make it this one?

You might be worried that it’s too challenging, and it can indeed be intimidating to start. But with the right steps, you can build a successful video marketing strategy for your business. And to help you get started, I’ve outlined six practices that make the biggest difference.

1. Ditch The Myths
What’s the first thing you imagine when thinking about creating your own videos? For most advisors, it’s bright lights, a huge camera, a script—all the tools and planning that go with a large production.

But that’s not what makes a great video. What matters is the content and delivery. The lights and script are simply tools to help you with the substance. And that means it’s a myth that advisors in particular need a high-budget production.

Here are some other misconceptions:

• Video is complicated. Actually, it doesn’t have to be. Again, your main focus is your subject matter. What do your clients and prospects want to know about? Everything else takes a back seat to that.

• It is time-consuming. This one is understandable. Planning and recording can take a good amount of time. But that really depends on the type of video you’re creating. Most of them can be recorded in about 30 minutes.

• It is too expensive. Consider that most modern phones are equipped with relatively high-quality cameras. After that, all you need is some basic editing software (which is also likely available on your phone) and a well-lit, quiet place to record.

Once you get past these misapprehensions, you’ll overcome the mistakes you might make in your strategy—specifically, by spending too much time and money on something that could be much easier than you think.

2. Use The Right Platform
YouTube is the best place to host your videos. Though there are other good options, YouTube boasts advantages that put it at the top of our list.

First off, it is easy to use. It is easy for you to create an account, and you already have access to one if you have Gmail. YouTube also offers specific tutorials if you’re ever stuck.

Second, YouTube is part of Google Search. Have you ever searched for something on Google and received a YouTube video in your results? By uploading your videos to the platform, you increase the chance of receiving organic traffic.

For example, a quick search of FMG Suite’s subsidiary, Twenty Over Ten, yields an array of video content directed at financial advisors.

3. Ditch The Script
It sounds counterintuitive, but a script is only going to get in your way most of the time. You don’t need to add more time to the process, since writing, editing and memorizing the text just adds more to do.

Think of your video as a face-to-face conversation. You aren’t going to read from a script when you meet with a client. Your videos should show people the same authenticity.

Instead, do what you would do just before a meeting and jot down a few bullet points. That way you have something to reference if you need it, but your attention can be directed toward your audience—the camera.

Lastly, be sure to provide enough content to fill a five to 10-minute video. Our highest-performing videos fall in that range, with an average watch time of just over three minutes. (The viewing time is shorter for most videos since viewership tends to drop as the videos continue.)

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