Goehring & Rozencwajg Associates has launched a new fund, the Goehring & Rozencwajg Resources Fund, that will focus on investments in natural resources.

Leigh Goehring and Adam Rozencwajg will manage the fund.

The fund will invest primarily in securities of companies and other investments that provide economic exposure to natural resources, including oil, natural gas, precious and base metals, ferrous and non-ferrous metals and agriculture.

“We believe that natural resources is a frequently misunderstood asset class that few investors have the expertise, experience and patience to understand,” says Goehring, managing partner at Goehring & Rozencwajg.

As an example, the two predict oil prices could reach as high as $100 a barrel by the end of the year, in part because supply is being cut at the wrong time and will slip into decline in the coming months.

The two originally collaborated at Chilton Investment Company, where they managed upwards of $5 billion in assets within Chilton’s global natural resources strategy.

The fund is designed to provide a low-cost investment vehicle that allows retail and institutional investors to add a commodities component to their portfolios, according to Rozencwajg, who is also a managing partner at the firm.