It has been a tough year for gold, but at least investors in one gold exchange-traded fund are getting a break with a massive fee reduction.
Aberdeen Standard Investments this week announced it cut the sponsor fee by more than half on the Aberdeen Standard Physical Swiss Gold Shares ETF (SGOL), a $790 million fund that is the third-largest gold ETF. The fee, which was slashed from 0.39 percent to 0.17 percent, is now tied with the GraniteShares Gold Trust (BAR) as the least expensive among ETFs that track the price of gold.
The Aberdeen fund formerly was known as the ETFS Physical Swiss Gold Shares. The name change occurred after U.K-based Aberdeen Standard Investments bought the U.S. business of ETF Securities in April.
ETF Securities developed the world’s first gold exchange-traded product in 2003, and its subsequent product line in the U.S. invested in commodities and precious metals.
Close behind SGOL and BAR in the battle for lowest fees among gold ETFs are the $311 million SPDR Gold MiniShares Trust (GLDM) and the $72 million Perth Mint Physical Gold ETF (AAAU), which both have an expense ratio of 0.18 percent. The AAAU fund’s much lower asset level is due to its recent launch in August.
The largest product in this category, the roughly $30 billion SPDR Gold Trust (GLD), carries an expense ratio of 0.40 percent.
These and other ETFs that track the price of gold are all down year-to-date in the range of close to 6 percent. But this group has recaptured its shine during the recent turmoil in equities, lifting their shares on average more than 3 percent quarter-to-date.
Considering the performance of these funds more or less moves in lockstep with gold prices, fees are a big differentiator in this category. As such, Aberdeen’s decision to make its SGOL fund the co-cheapest of the lot (at least for now) should make it a more enticing product for gold bugs.