In a court filing on Gross’s behalf, Boyd said he was alarmed that Towfiq had security cameras pointed at his backyard, which allowed him to spot Gross as he toured the property.

“It was also a bit unsettling to learn Mr. Towfiq was keeping track of my guests in the backyard,” Boyd said in the filing.

Towfiq insisted he wasn’t obsessed with Gross and his girlfriend Amy Schwartz. He said he began taping Gross’s property after police suggested he document the loud music.

“Taking videos and pictures on my own property seems like a fundamental right,” he said.

Towfiq also said he was a Pimco client from 2008 to 2012, and friends with a money manager there.

“He told me all sorts of stories about Mr. Bill, Mr. Gross,” Towfiq said. “He said something to me like ‘my condolences,’ so he was concerned for me.”

The hearing is scheduled to resume Wednesday.

The cases are Gross v. Towfiq, 30-2020-1165114-CU-NP-CJC, and Towfiq v. Gross, 30-2020-01165428-CU-NP-CJC, California Superior Court, Orange County (Santa Ana).

This article was provided by Bloomberg News.

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