1999: Sony AIBO, a robotic pet dog, understands 100 voice commands, learns and matures

2005: Sebastian Thrun’s Stanford team wins DARPA’s 132-mile driverless car race

2011: IBM Watson, a system capable of answering questions, wins quiz show Jeopardy

2012: Google’s self-driving car gets license in Nevada

2014: Man Group starts using machine learning algorithms to manage client money

2016: Alphabet’s DeepMind AlphaGo computer program beats Go champion

2017: AlphaGo Zero learns by playing against itself, beats AlphaGo by 100 games to 0

2017: Facebook switches entirely to neural networks for 4.5 billion translations a day

2017: First AI Powered Equity ETF driven by IBM’s Watson computer starts trading

2017: Two Sigma, a hedge fund that deploys machine learning, crosses $50 billion in assets under management

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