Much of Trump's campaign has veered off course into tropes that seem to appeal to racists, misogynists or antisemites. There's not much doubt about it, since he repeats the same themes over and over in his campaign rallies. I am certain that wasn't the case here. Those of us who write for public consumption are always looking for punchy ways to communicate dry or complex topics. But you have to be aware not only how your words will be interpreted, but misinterpreted. If it were me, I would apologize and move on. Then again, I'm the guy who does an annual mea culpa.

The fiduciary rule is coming. It will have a big impact on retirement savings, mostly for the good. Thirty years from now, when its effects are felt in trillions of dollars in additional retirement savings, no one will remember how it came about -- or the ill-considered words of one financier.

This column was provided by Bloomberg News.

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