While it is natural for people to want to improve their behaviors, there is a four-step process for accomplishing positive change, whether that change consists of incorporating a positive activity into your life, such as more exercise, or eliminating a bad behavior, such as smoking.

They are:
1. Identifying the reason for setting the goal.
2. Being committed to making it happen.
3. Attacking it with consistency so it becomes a habit.
4. Making it a long-term change in your behavior/character.

The end objective is to make your goal such an intricate part of your behavior that you automatically do it without thinking. A good example is getting kids to brush their teeth. Most kids don’t see the purpose of doing this and have to be trained (reminded often). However, it eventually becomes a habit.

As adults, brushing our teeth has become part of our character—a behavior. No matter how busy or stressed we get, we always find time to brush our teeth.

Now, envision yourself prospecting each day or working out without thinking of it as a choice.  You just automatically do it. Once you can do this, you’ve succeeded in creating a habit that has become an engrained behavior.

 As we enter 2022, use this time to identify the things you want to improve, find your “why” and then establish a specific plan of action to make it happen. Isn’t it time you join the 8% of American’s who actually achieve their New Year’s resolution?

Sarano Kelley, the co-founder of The Kelley Group, is a business coach, philanthropist and co-author of The Game: Win Your Life in 90 Days. With more than 30 years of industry experience, Kelley has developed game-based performance improvement techniques that have influenced thousands of financial professionals.

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