Everyone has heard print newspapers are dead. “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated” is a quote you have heard before. This holds true for your local paper. It’s been said there are over 5,000 local weeklies in the US. (1) The one in your area can help you get business and gain entry into HNW circles.

1. Local leaders care about local news. You are active in the community. The movers and shakers who make things happen are concerned about what is happening in their own backyard. They are often the investors, lenders, developers and politicians who make things happen. By being up to date on front page news gives you something to talk about When you see them.

2. New businesses get announced and promoted. Local papers have a Living section and even a small business section. When a new restaurant or factory opens, it gets written up. You can walk through the door and welcome them to the area. Now the conversation has started.

3. School sports is a big deal. One of the major readership segments of local newspapers is parents of children in the school system. They report on school sports, usually with lots of photos. The parents are proud. You see a photo of the child of a client or prospect. You cut it out and send it to them. You are on the radar screen.

4. Nonprofit galas are big news. The local paper sends their photographers out to cover several events. These often get a full page in the Living section. You see people you know. This also teaches you where you can go to meet people you don’t know. This is another article clipping opportunity.

5. Upcoming events are big news. The problem with gala photos is the event is now history. If you wanted to meet those people, you missed your chance. Maybe not. Nonprofits usually run ads in advance of major events. Build your social calendar around these events.

6. Who are the major donors? The ads for charity galas sometimes list the major donors in the ad, because this is a benefit of sponsorship. Now you found some local people who are philanthropists. You want people with assets. Philanthropists have money to give away.

7. Letters to the editor. This can be the most entertaining section of the newspaper. It is where we turn the moment we get the latest issue. You learn what the big issues are in the area. Who is pro development and who is pro conservation? You have insight into the major local issues.

8. Township meetings. Local newspapers send reporters to cover the meetings at local municipalities. You learn what taxes might look like going forward, who want to build what and if they need zoning variations. You are closer connected to the issues that matter to the quality of life in the area and people’s wallets.

9. Upcoming events. There is usually a calendar of events listing parades, fireworks, art gallery openings and theater schedules. You will have company visiting soon. Now you have ideas how to entertain them.

10. Road closures. If road construction is on the agenda, you will know the areas to avoid unless you want to be stuck in traffic. You will get to your appointments faster.

11. Shredding and electronic waste collection. These things matter to people. You might have documents you do not want to simply toss in the trash. Now you know where you can take them. Maybe your business should have a shredder day too.

Many people get everything through their phones today. There is a lot of local information that flows through alternate channels.

Bryce Sanders is president of Perceptive Business Solutions Inc. He provides HNW client acquisition training for the financial services industry. His book, “Captivating the Wealthy Investor” is available on Amazon.