In fact, this is the reason that I decided to re-focus my career as a Professional Sport Psychologist from mentoring elite athletes to mentoring financial advisors. The mindset is identical.  All advisors can learn the same internal self-talk to be a champion in their career. Becoming a world class financial advisor begins with learning how to take charge of your internal self-talk regarding the challenging events that you face each day.

Suicide is a tragedy that is always avoidable.  Certainly if one believes he/she would be better off dead than dealing with the challenges of his/her career, that is a tragedy, and it always begins with the toxic self-talk.  The recent suicides with Wall Street financial professionals could have all been avoided, if support people recognized the unbearable stress they were suffering and got them professional help.

You can learn the specifics of how to take charge of your thinking patterns, your fears and your feelings of inadequacy in my book, “The Financial Advisor’s Ultimate Stress Mastery Guide.”  The techniques are not hard to master if you practice them.  Just like the elite athlete, with practice and persistence you can master any challenge with minimal stress/anxiety.

Dr. Jack Singer is a professional psychologist, speaker and a Stress Mastery Mentor for smart financial advisors, like you. He is the author of The Financial Advisor’s Ultimate Stress Mastery Guide,” which can be ordered in the FA Mag Bookstore, using this link: /book--ultimate-stress-mastery-guide. To learn more about Dr. Jack’s keynote speaking, his exclusive mentoring services for financial advisors and his unique, referral-generating program for your next Client Appreciation Event, contact Jack at [email protected], call him at 1-800-497-9880 for a FREE consultation and read more at

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