It seems like everyone is doing more online shopping. If you are one of those people, you should be looking for cash rebates. Several Web sites will rebate you money on all of your online purchases along the lines of how works.
One of the better ones I have come across is
You get cash back at any of 1,200 brand-name stores any time you start your shopping trip at There are no points to redeem, no forms to mail in, and no fees. Stores pay Ebates a sales commission for sending shoppers their way, and Ebates uses the commission to pay you cash back. You can get the cash credited to your PayPal account, sent in a check directly to you or donated to a charity of your choice. All you need is an e-mail address so they can notify you when your cash back has been credited.
It takes about 15 seconds to join, and the rebates will start to add up very quickly. They even have a free $5 or $10 bonus credit when you sign up for the site.