·      Nalika Nanayakkara – partner, Wealth and Asset Management Practice Lead, EY.

·      Cheryl Nash – CEO, Tegra 118.

·      Roger Paradiso – head of alternative distribution strategies, Legg Mason.

·      Phil Pellegrino – executive director, UBS Wealth Management.

·      Kevin Ruth – interim CEO, Whealthcare Planning LLC.

·      Evamarie Schoenborn – president and CEO, Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Company.

·      Ray Sclafani – founder and CEO, ClientWise LLC

·      Kabir Sethi – managing director, head of digital wealth management, Bank of America Merrill Lynch

·      Jack Sharry – executive vice president, chief marketing officer, LifeYield LLC.

·      Mark Spina – president and chief operating officer, FLX Distribution.

·      Gavin Spitzner – president, Wealth Consulting Partners, and principal, The Execution Project.

·      Katie Wade – principal, Dunraven Consulting, and principal, The Execution Project.

In addition to the Advisory Council, Next Chapter’s direction and programming will be guided by an Executive Leadership Council, which includes Craig Pfeiffer, CEO and president of MMI; Gary Holland, CEO of Charter Financial Publishing Network, the parent company of Financial Advisor; and Steve Gresham, managing principal of The Execution Project, who will serve as managing partner of the Next Chapter initiative. 

The Next Chapter leadership team also includes Evan Simonoff, editor-in-chief of Financial Advisor; David Smith, co-founder and group publisher of Charter Financial Publishing Network; and Joan Lensing, chief programming officer of MMI.

The Executive Leadership Council will be announced shortly.

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