Kerner, who worked with Momtazee at the dot-com era startup The .TV Corp., is also the founder of consulting firm CryptoOracle Collective.

Dot-Com Parallel
While there haven’t been many big-ticket blockchain related transactions yet, Moelis is betting that the companies will keep growing and beget larger deals. Momtazee said it’s analogous to the period following the dot-com crash, when there were deals happening but they were smaller because of the size of the companies.

“As we see this explosion of value, M&A deal values will probably correlate very highly with the expansion of the market cap in the blockchain space,” he said.

Momtazee is invested in funds at a separate firm where Kerner is a partner, Blockchain Coinvestors, as well as in funds tied to Blockchain Capital and Dan Morehead’s Pantera Capital. He also has investments in individual companies, and said the bank is thinking about whether investing in companies directly could make sense.

Blockchain technology solves a lot of problems, Momtazee said, adding “We’re in the early ages of that revolution.”

This article was provided by Bloomberg News.

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