Take the time to understand her intent and purpose for investing, and build those aspirations into a detailed financial life plan. Ensure that she’s truly engaged in the process, to co-create the plan for real buy-in and satisfaction. This provides a solid foundation to achieving an enriched and fulfilling life.

• Foster greater gender intelligence: Give advisors the skills to deliver the optimal client experience

Overcome stereotypes and misperceptions for both male and female investors. That does not mean automatically pairing female clients with female advisors — although that may be the preference for some. All advisors need to be aware of how gender can influence goals and attitudes, while focusing on what matters most to the individual in order to provide the experience they seek.

• Empower the decision-making process: Provide clear, substantive information and objective advice

This isn’t about investing differently. This is about wanting the right financial experience. Women need to know that their perspective is relevant and productive, regardless of their financial knowledge or experience. Female investors seek an authentic and comprehensive client experience that includes trust, respect and performance.

Brie Williams is a vice president of State Street Global Advisors and head of practice management for the Global SPDR Business.

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