If you simply introduce yourself by name and position as a financial advisor, you aren’t giving anyone anything to remember except those facts. In addition, it’s important to know that the term “financial advisor” is intimidating, similar to doctors, dentists and attorneys. You want to reduce a person’s hesitancy to engage with you so that they become a client and/or a referral source.

For example:

“Hi, my name is Amy Thomas. I am a financial advisor.”

If you stop there, you haven’t given the person or group any information regarding what you really do. So add HOW you do it.

“I meet with clients to understand their investment objectives and create a plan that helps them to achieve their financial goals.” For potential clients, this example explains your process.

Finally, who doesn’t love working with someone who LOVES what they do? Our loyalty to businesses is oftentimes based upon the people who work there. They can make us feel important and create a positive and lasting experience because of their passion.

So think about why you enjoy your career as a financial advisor. Go back to that list of your strengths, and find the words that define your competitive edge or differential advantage.

For example: “I love when my clients are able to enjoy the results of our work together.”

When you put the four elements of a power pitch together, you communicate your value, process, purpose and brand.

Create it and practice it.  Wait until you see the difference it makes in your business!

Focus On Your Target Market

When financial advisors begin their careers, they often accept any and all clients in order to build their businesses. In order to create the business that you want, it’s important to identify your target market.

This is an easy process. Look at the demographics of your top 25 clients. Are you attracting married couples, men, women, certain age groups? Are most of them from a specific geographic location? Now look at how they became clients. Are they referrals? Did you inherit them?

Replicate that same process with a list of the clients with whom you love to work but may be outside of your top 25 in terms of investible assets. These are the people whom you look forward to meeting with regardless of the profit potential.

The fusion of these two groups represents your ideal client profile. You speak the way that they listen, and your brand is exactly what they need.

With this information, you can now focus on that target market and go find more of those ideal individuals!