It turns out that most states won’t allow an insurance or financial professional to bestow a title onto themselves without actual training in the area. In a nutshell, taking a simple weekend course or purchasing some software won’t make you a retirement coach. While that may mean advisors need to make a bigger commitment, it will also ensure that retirement coaching doesn’t just turn into the latest marketing gimmick.

Like the evolution of seat belts, retirement coaching is fast becoming an essential part to every retirement plan. It can strengthen lives, build relationships, help people find and take action toward a new purpose, while helping people avoid the dark side of retirement and learning things the hard way.

Nobody knows if Morris and the Anglin brothers were able to make a smooth transition into civilian life. In fact, the U.S. Marshall’s Service still consider it an open investigation. But that doesn’t have to be the case with your client’s retirement plan—especially if you give them a head start. 

Robert Laura is the president of SYNERGOS Financial Group, the founder of and pioneer in Certified Retirement Coach training. He can be reached at [email protected].

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