Clinton has disclosed eight years of full returns, including detailed schedules, on her campaign website, and there are decades of returns for her and Bill Clinton available online. The Clintons’ 2014 return, which is the most recent her campaign has released, showed that the couple reported $27.9 million in adjusted gross income -- about 136 times the amount reported by Sanders and his wife that year.

Tad Devine, a political adviser to Sanders, said the candidate would release returns from previous years “soon” after this year’s filing is finished by Jane Sanders. “Bernie is happy to be transparent,” Devine said in an interview on CNN.

In 2014, the senator and his wife reported $2 in income from ordinary dividends and $11 in taxable interest. Their $56,377 in deductions for the year is higher than average for their income level, according to a 2014 Congressional Research Service report, which found that in 2011, taxpayers reporting adjusted gross income from $200,000 to $250,000 claimed an average of $39,470 in itemized deductions.

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