Maybe the most important thing that advisors who are succeeding at this level seem to have in common is: they love what they do.

And that might be the biggest benefit that achieving clarity offers you as the business owner. Not only will you be broadcasting a better, more-focused marketing message, but that message is going to attract exactly the kind of people you’re going to enjoy working with, and exactly the kind of people to whom you can bring the most value.

Action Step

Answer the five questions above for your business. Then incorporate the answers in the design of your website and in your messaging. With this new clarity, you’ll start attracting more clients and shorten the time it takes to go from prospect to happy new client.

Steve Sanduski, CFP, is the founder of Belay Advisor; the CEO of ROL Advisor, a discovery process technology system; a New York Times bestselling author; host of the Between Now and Success podcast and a financial advisor business coach.

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