Securities America has expanded its associate advisor coaching program by adding self-paced training videos allowing advisors more flexibility, the firm announced today.

“Advisors entering the industry today face dual responsibilities: attracting the next generation of clients and becoming a qualified successor for senior advisors planning retirement from their practice,” said Kirk Hulett, Securities America executive vice president of strategy and practice management. “The Associate Advisor coaching program provides guidance to effectively transfer years of invaluable knowledge and experience from a senior advisor to a newer advisor so they can be successful in both roles.”

The structure of the program focuses on four key areas: marketing and client acquisition, business management, client advice and delivery, and personal productivity. It is a 12-week course offered twice a year by the firm. The new on-demand videos give advisors the ability to train throughout the year.

Other elements remain the same from the initial program, says Securities America, including one-on-one coaching and step-by-step tools that offer additional preparation opportunities for working with clients.