Everyone now understands that the economy is broken. What our members and readers have known for years-that the economy is not working for people and the planet-is now playing out on Wall Street and Main Street every day.

While many name the mortgage and credit-default-swap crises as culprits, they are only the most recent results of an economy with fatal design flaws. These design defects range from a dependence on growth, consumerism, and the structure of money to the short-term focus of today's markets, and policy goals that are focused on growing Gross National Product. Yet, when GNP growth includes a whole set of "bads"-from sweatshop labor to manufacturing toxic chemicals-every dollar of GNP growth actually reduces wellbeing for people and the planet.

Taken together, these fatal flaws systematically create economic injustice, poverty and environmental crises.

It doesn't have to be that way. The green economy offers solutions that are the antidote to the current breakdown.

Green America members have been trailblazers for green economic solutions for years. We now have a teachable moment to be bold in stepping up with these solutions for long-term change toward sustainability-and helping people through tough times. Now these green economy solutions are more important than ever.

Simply put, we need to move from greed to green.

Here are seven green economy solutions to today's economic mess.

1. Green Energy-Green Jobs

A crucial starting place to rejuvenate our economy is to focus on energy-for the sake of the economy and the environment. It is time to call in the superheroes of the green energy revolution-energy efficiency, solar and wind power, and plug-in hybrids-and put their synergies to work with rapid, largescale deployment. This is a powerful way to jumpstart the economy, energy independence, job creation (with jobs that can't be outsourced), and the victory over the climate crisis. The five green-energy keys are rapid, large-scale deployment of:
Energy efficiency-moving toward 50 percent savings in five years.
Solar and wind-getting to an all-renewable electric grid.
Plug-in electric hybrid vehicles-getting to at least 20% of the U.S. vehicle fleet in ten years.
Smart grid-rebuilding our aging electric grid with a smart grid that makes it easy to scale up energy efficiency and renewables.
New national and state electric utility regulation and building codes that make it easy to scale up with efficiency, renewables and plug-in electric hybrid vehicles.

This year, Green America is launching Project LEAP-our Low-carbon Energy Acceleration Plan-to show how to combine these superheroes for real economic prosperity, energy security, and 80-90% greenhouse gas reduction. We shared this with our allies on President Obama's incoming team (along with our idea for the financing mechanism; see #2 below). But you don't have to wait for Washington-use Green America resources to get started today:
Guide to Efficiency First!
Solar how-to articles, and interviews with the solar leaders of our Green Busienss Network
Solar High Impact National Energy (SHINE) Plan.
Utility Solar Assessment (USA) Study.

2. Clean Energy Victory Bonds
How are we going to pay for this green energy revolution? Green America and our allies at Clean Edge propose Clean Energy Victory Bonds. Modeled after victory bonds in World War II, Americans would buy these bonds from the federal government to invest in large-scale deployment of green energy projects, with particular emphasis in low-income communities that are hardest hit by the broken economy. These would be long-term bonds, which would pay an annual interest rate, based in part on the energy and energy savings that the bonds generate. During WWII, Americans bought over $185 billion in bonds-that would be almost $2 trillion in today's dollars.

Millions of people are looking for a way to help the country right now. During the townhall-style presidential debate, one person posed this question to the then-candidates: "What would you ask us to do?"

Green America's answer: Invest in Clean Energy Victory Bonds so our country can start building the clean-energy infrastructure and get people to work in good, green jobs, right now.

Sign up for the Green America e-newsletter to help advance these and our other green energy policy measures all year long.

3. Reduce, Reuse, Rethink
Living lightly on the Earth, saving resources and money, reducing inequality, and sharing-jobs, property, ideas, and opportunities-are the principles crucial to restructuring our economy. This economic breakdown is, in part, due to living beyond our means-as a nation and, in too many cases, as individuals. With the enormous national and consumer debt weighing us down, we won't be able to spend our way out of this economic problem. From planting gardens to conserving energy to swapping clothes to making gifts-these green economy basics will help us move to an economy that works for all.

As Dr. Juliet Schor, economist and author, puts it, "We've lost the ability to profitably ... grow our way out of recession. The usual kinds of consumer spending (cars, electronics, furniture, apparel, travel) degrade vital ecosystems and have an economic cost. Business-as-usual puts us deeper into an economic hole."
Ultimately, we need an economy that's not dependent on growth and consumerism. So it's time to rethink living over-consumptive lifestyles, and turn to the principles of elegant simplicity-what Green Americans have known all along.

4. Go Green, Fair Trade, and Local
When we do buy, it is essential that those purchases shift from the conventional economy to the green and local economy-so that every dollar helps solve social and environmental problems, not create them. What we spend our money on-and refuse to buy-does matter. Expanding the green economy is fundamental to the transition to an economy that works for people and the planet. Moving dollars away from conventional agribusiness and toward supporting local workers and local, organic farmers creates more justice and sustainability.

Use the Green America's National Green Pages to make as many of your purchases as possible from the green economy. Turn to Green America all year long for ways to be intentional with your money-to help create a better economy with the choices you make every day.

5. Community Investing
All over the county, community investing banks, credit unions, and loan funds that serve hardhit communities are strong, while the biggest banks-from Washington Mutual to CitiGroup-required bailouts. The basic principles of community investing keep the community investing institutions strong: Lenders and borrowers know each other. Lenders invest in the success of their borrowers-with training and technical assistance along with loans. And the people who provide the capital to the lenders expect reasonable, not speculative, rates of return. If all banks followed these principles, the economy wouldn't be in the mess it's in today.
You can provide capital to community investing banks and credit unions-it's as easy as opening a federally insured account. Check out the community investing section of our Web site to get started.

6. Shareowner Activism

When you own stock, you are a shareowner and have the right and responsibility to advise management to clean up its act. Had General Motors listened to its activist shareholders, it would have invested in the efficient and electric cars that would have prevented the need for a bailout from bankruptcy. Had CitiGroup listened to its activist shareowners, it would have steered clear of the faulty mortgage practices that brought it to its knees. Activist shareholders are key to reforming companies-from jumpstarting them on the energy revolution to addressing executive compensation to stopping the corruption created by corporate lobbying-for the transition to the new economy. Let's up the ante.

7. Building Community
"Whatever the problem," says Dr. Lynnaea Lumbard, psychologist and interfaith minister, "community is the answer." Connected, resilient communities help people get through tough times-and celebrate during good times. Now is the time to get started. Get to know your neighbors. Do a neighborhood skills inventory-so people can help each other fix their roofs, repair their bikes, mend a torn coat-saving money and building community. Plan a community garden, a neighborhood garage sale, or clothing swap. Start a dinner or home improvement co-op.

The Time is Now
It looks like we have a huge opportunity on our hands-a global economic breakdown that is teaching us that we are all interdependent. There's no "there" to escape to, so we all might as well figure out how to live together -and transition our economy to one that protects vulnerable people and our vulnerable planet. Stay tuned to Real Green all year long. We look forward to working with you on turning today's problems into opportunities for a more just, sustainable, and joyful world.

Alisa Gravitz is the executive director of Green America, a national membership organization based in Washington, D.C. Since 1982 Green America (formerly Co-op America) has been working to harness economic power-the strength of consumers, investors, businesses, and the marketplace-to create a socially just and environmentally sustainable society. Alisa's board service includes Ceres, Anacostia Watershed Society, the Positive Futures Network and Network for Good.