For Bill, seminars aren’t a hard sell either. Many firms tell clients that their events are free…as long as they bring a friend or family member who isn’t a current client with them. Keen Wealth doesn’t do that. Bill believes that, in the long run, the quality of education he and his team are providing are worth the investment in the events themselves and associated marketing costs. Eventually, lightning will strike.

Or, in Bill’s case, hail will fall.

“Most firms aren't spending a whole lot of their total top line revenue on marketing,” he explains. “But it's just been my style to provide education to folks over the course of some number of months or years, and I understand that the timing is going to be important. For instance, I was not interested in solicitations for a new roof for my house. And then the hail storm came. The next e-mail I got about a new roof, I was very interested. The timing was right.”

The best way to nudge that timing along is to be consistent in all aspects of your marketing. Bill publishes a new episode of his podcast every other week, with blog posts in between. He’s also engaging his audience regularly on social media and hosting over 60 events annually around his home base of Kansas City, Mo.

“We have prospects that come in, and it's pretty amazing, they're relatively pre-sold on the process,” he says. “They say, ‘I've been listening to you. I feel like I know you.’”

3. Start With Your Current Client Base

As you’re looking ahead, it’s important not to neglect the clients who got you where you are today, and with whom you plan to keep working throughout the life of their financial planning.

If you use your client base as a jumping off point, you’ll also probably have an easy time coming up with a short list of topics that will be relevant, helpful and attractive. And if your clients are engaged, eventually the word will get around to prospects.

“The reality is, clients will bring people to events,” Bill says. “Even if you just say, for the next 12 months, I'm going to hold one seminar a quarter and I'm going to feed some value back into my client base via these seminars and get rolling here."

Once you get rolling, Bill recommends that you keep rolling. The number of events his team holds around Kansas City means that he never has to worry about “gearing up”—Keen Wealth is always in presentation mode, ready to dish out high quality info with a side order of Kansas City barbeque for attendees.