Amalgamations Of Criminal Archetypes
to this point, we have discussed criminals as archetypes and from the
perspective of the wealthy. But rarely do criminals completely conform
to one type or another. There are also people who are an amalgam of
criminal types.
In these cases, a particular criminal can be a combination of a primary criminal type and a secondary criminal type (Exhibit 3). The interaction is such that the traits of the secondary type can magnify the most deleterious aspects of the criminal's primary type.
For the wealthy, the worst combination is the predator criminal type as primary and the master criminal type as secondary. In the stalker we discussed earlier, we see the combination of something like erotomania coupled with a brilliant deviousness and the precision of a finely tuned watch. This amalgam generates greater intensity and proves to be the most difficult to protect against as well as deal with after the fact. There is considerable difficulty in ensuring security when faced with a predator-master criminal of this type.
Applications Of The Criminal Typology
thorough knowledge of criminal types can, at times, be advantageous in
crafting security solutions for the wealthy. We can apply our
understanding when we are looking for ways to ensure the safety of our
high-net-worth clients. Furthermore, in crafting security solutions, we
can use the concept of negative migration-which is when criminal
behavior migrates to the path of least resistance. Certain criminals
are more inclined to look for the easiest target, all things
considered. Let's look at the behavior our five types when they are
come up against obstacles. (Exhibit 4).
With quite a number of ultra-affluent victims to choose from, the master criminal will engage in extensive analyses and then select the easiest target that can bring them the highest target. However, negative migration has little relevance, if any, for predators. As these criminals are bereft of rationality-and instead act on emotional impulse-they are targeting very specific ultra-affluent children. Professional criminals, however, will seek out an easy target since they tend to lack the expertise to combat well-crafted and implemented personal security solutions.
Meanwhile, the opportunistic criminal will not find an opportunity, because if security is tight, there will not be any chinks in the armor for him to gain a point of access. Lastly, terrorists looking for people they can use to send their political message will mirror professional criminals, especially when there are many targets with little or no protection in place.
The greatest value that comes from knowing the five criminal archetypes and the 11 criminal amalgamations is not in crafting security solutions but in knowing what to do in times of crisis. An understanding of criminal behavioral patterns proves a distinct advantage when we are called upon to deal with emergencies. By knowing the possible actions and thought processes of the antagonist in a crisis situation, we are able to act most quickly and effectively to stem the threat.