Both of these blockchains implement a consensus mechanism which avoids resource-intensive computation-based validation and enables high scalability. This mechanism reduces any transaction validation difficulties and ensures that transactions can be settled within seconds. This type of blockchain solution will cut out the middlemen, speed up the trading process and is available for all businesses and investors to access.

Utilising dual blockchain benefits

There is no doubt that blockchain has the potential to revolutionise processes between businesses and investors in the equity market, but by using a dual blockchain mechanism, both parties can benefit from a more streamlined transaction process, reduced costs and offer a better trading solution for the equity market.

Depending on which side of the share sale you are on, business or investor, it is clear that a dual blockchain will deliver a new era for this digital ledger and offer an end to end solution for businesses and investors to effectively manage each stage of buying and selling shares, without having to worry about which data is stored where. This dual digital ledger will not only transform the equity market, but significantly impact the way shares have been traded from the start.