The house is set on a series of manicured terraces. The property includes a pool and spa, outdoor eating area, vine-covered pergola, and multiple seating and entertainment areas. Carefully manicured box hedges surround a large fountain, and giant lavender bushes line the terrace’s extensive stone walls. Vines grow over the building’s stucco exterior. The entire effect, Bochco says, “feels like a French country garden.”

Just as important, “we’re totally off the grid,” she says—or rather, the house can be. It’s equipped with a 15.2kW solar energy system, but is tied into the grid for backup. There’s also a well on the property.

Bochco continued to use the house after her husband’s death, but she says that “in the long run it, it will be much better to unplug.”

The property, though, will be hard to give up.

“I just wish I could sell it to someone I know,” she says. “And then say, ‘Hey, can I come up?’”

This article provided by Bloomberg News.

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