Do some of your clients want to start their own business? As a financial advisor, you may be tempted to warn them away from such a risky move.

One-fifth of all startups are closed within a year of being created and half do not make it to five years. But an advisor may want to take the client’s location into account before rendering advice—in some locations the chances for success are better than in others.

Some places have better access to financing and to a skilled workforce, cheap office space and incentives for new business owners. Others leave the potential business owner scrambling for resources.

According to WalletHub, an online finance and data resource, these 10 states provide the best chance for a new business owner to be around years after starting the enterprise. Following are the states in ascending order that give a startup company a fighting chance of success. The entire report is available here.

10. South Dakota

This northern state has some of the cheapest business costs in general, and office space cost in particular.