Both of these types of financial advisor marketing videos can be outsourced, but the how-to format is easier (no on-camera time).

#2: Blog

A handful of financial advisors I know have developed and maintain strong content marketing plans, which include a website blog. Why only a handful? Because it’s not easy! Successful advisor bloggers are either delegating this job to a junior advisor or member of their support staff or working with a marketing firm.

Regardless of “how” you get it done, a blog helps financial advisors market to younger clients in a few ways:

1.  Millennials need handholding when it comes to financial concepts. Blogs educate.

2.  Younger investors don’t trust or understand industry jargon. Demystify jargon on your blog.

3.  Blogs help with your SEO, making it easier for you to be found (by everyone).

4.  Younger people respect and read blogs (“celebrity bloggers” are an actual thing).

Tip: Make sure you can regularly create relevant content before you add a blog to your site.

#3: Great Online Client Portal

While your older clients may prefer to call or e-mail about their account questions, younger investors are used to accessing information on the Internet around the clock. Not only is the idea of 9-5 antiquated, waiting for answers (that could be provided online) is not tolerated. If you don’t have user-friendly, 24/7 account access available on your website, you may be at a disadvantage.