When the economic going gets tough, don’t give up. Instead, find one of America’s most recession-proof cities in which to live and work. A list of them has been compiled by New York personal finance technology company SmartAsset.

There couldn't be a better time to start looking.

Americans have faced challenging financial times throughout this country’s history, from the Great Depression of 1929 to the Great Recession of 2008, but nothing like its latest recession, caused by the Great Pandemic of 2020. Americans face a new economic threat so small it can’t be seen with the human eye, and yet it is global in its reach. While some of America’s greatest cities have closed for business to control a worldwide contagion, enterprising business owners and workers in more recession-resilient cities have found new ways to repurpose and reuse their resources to make a living.

To find these cities, SmartAsset examined 264 of the country’s largest municipalities, using nine metrics across the three categories of employment, housing and social assistance.

The employment category factors in the current unemployment rate, the change in the unemployment rate during the Great Recession from 2007 to 2010 and the current labor force participation rate. The housing category factors in housing costs as a percentage of income, the change in home value during the Great Recession from 2007 to 2010 and the mortgage delinquency rate. The social assistance category factors in the percentage of the population relying on public assistance, the average annual amount of assistance per household and state rainy-day funds as a percentage of state expenditures.

SmartAsset created its final ranking by averaging each city’s score in the three categories. Cities with the highest average rankings, based on a score of 0 to 100, with 100 being the best, are the most recession-resistant.

Here, in ascending order, are SmartAsset’s top 10 most recession-resistant cities of 2020.

10. Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Although Sioux Falls earned a score of just 48.02 in social assistance, the city last week announced on its website that local government and private business had established a COVID-19 Relief Fund to prevent evictions and financial hardships in the event of unemployment. Sioux Falls scored an 84.01 in housing and a 96.99 in employment, for an overall rank of 76.34.