New strategies better enable advisors to target specific audiences with fewer resources and better success rates than old ones, says Investopedia’s Stock & ETF researcher and writer Dan Moskowitz.

Rather than rely on cold calling and traditional advertising, Moskowitz suggests advisors put more efforts into communicating and relationship building with current clients. “Staying in contact shows that you’re caring and not just a salesperson. It also increases the amount of leads that you get from referrals.”

To generate more leads, Moskowitz broke down 10 generators that he considers to be highly effective.

LinkedIn: “You can use the network tab to sort and filter contacts and send a simple message (perhaps with an investing or money management tip) to former colleagues and local business leaders. You can use the home tab to contact prospects about their career achievements or to like their content. You can use the advanced tab to use mutual connections to land introductions. Another important note: LinkedIn attracts a lot of high-net-worth individuals.”