Happy anniversary! Friday is the eight-year mark of the first day of the current bull market. From the close of market on March 9, 2009, the nadir of last decade’s financial crisis, through the end of trading on March 9, 2017, the bellwether S&P 500 Index has zoomed just a hair under 250 percent (adjusted for dividends and splits).

It has been quite a run for people who remained invested in U.S. equities since the market meltdown. Hiccups along the way have been relatively few and, ultimately, not particularly damaging for those who stayed the course. That said, many investors are casting a wary eye as the eight-year rally gets long of tooth and stretched in valuation.

Someday, the bear will wake up from hibernation. For today at least, let’s be grateful that the bull is still roaming Wall Street. And let’s look back on the exchange-traded funds that benefitted most during the long market rally. Below is a list compiled by Morningstar of the 30 ETFs with the best market performance during the past eight years.