Today, 40 percent of working mothers are the breadwinners in households with children as compared to 11 percent in 1960, according to a report from the U.S. Department of Labor.     

Women, meanwhile, continue to face challenges concerning compensation and advancement at work. In 2017, women earned only 82 percent of what men earned on average, according to a study from Pew Research Statistics. Women are also 18 percent less likely to be promoted into management positions than men, according to a study from McKinsey & Company.

Despite these imbalances, some states have better systems in place to support working mothers. For example, Washington, D.C., has one of the lowest gender pay gaps in the country, but has the highest childcare costs of any other state. Similarly, California ranked second for its work-life balance, but is in the bottom three for having one of the worst day care systems in the U.S.  

WalletHub compared all U.S. states across 15 metrics, including work opportunities for women, average commute time and child-care quality, to determine the best states for working moms.

Here is a list of the top 10 best states for working mothers in ascending order:

10. New York

Child-care Rank: 26

Professional Opportunity Rank: 17

Work-Life Balance Rank: 7

New York was ranked number one in the U.S. for it’s child-care system. There are 4,313 child-care providers in New York, according to a report from the N.Y. Office of Children and Family Services.