Obama Backers

Benioff, the chief executive officer of San Francisco-based Salesforce.com, was a top fundraiser for President Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign and hosted the president for a Democratic fundraiser at his residence last November. His wife, Lynne Benioff, also contributed $25,000.

Soros, who’s given millions of dollars to Democratic causes, funded the super-PAC, as did his son Robert Soros, managing partner of Soros Fund Management LLC.

Former advisers to Bill Clinton donating to Ready for Hillary included Altman, a former deputy treasury secretary, who gave $5,000. William Galston, a Washington-based Brookings Institution senior fellow and a former White House domestic policy adviser, gave $1,000.

New York Donors

The super-PAC for Clinton, a U.S. senator from New York from 2001 to 2009, received $25,000 each from developer William Rudin, chief executive officer of Rudin Management Co. in New York, and Jon Stryker, a New York architect who gave about $2 million to Priorities USA Action, a super-PAC that helped re- elect Obama and is now converting to a pro-Clinton effort.

Silda Wall, a principal at NewWorld Capital Group LLC, who is divorcing former New York governor Eliot Spitzer, gave $5,000.

The pro-Clinton super-PAC received $25,000 from the Houston law firm of Steve and Amber Mostyn, who gave about $5 million to Democratic groups and candidates in the 2012 election.

Ready for Hillary is led by Adam Parkhomenko, a 28-year-old college student who has advocated for a Clinton presidential campaign for more than a decade. The super-PAC’s advisers include Jeremy Bird, Obama’s former national field director, and Harold Ickes and James Carville, who have longstanding ties to the Clintons.

The super-PAC said in an e-mail to supporters that it had amassed another 7,119 donations last month.