• Facet Wealth was selected as DSASD’s preferred partner for providing financial advice and guidance to its members. 

• GeoWealth adds a series of models from Fidelity Investments to its model marketplace. 

• Copytalk joined with Redtail to embed one-touch dictation and transcription technology on Redtail’s dashboard.

• eMoney Advisor announced the release of a new API-centric solution called eMoney Access. 

• Fidelity adds customized investment models to its automated managed platform.

• Whealthcare Planning was recognized by WealthManagement.com for its technology thought leadership. 

Whealthcare Planning, which bills itself as the industry’s only technology platform focused on the intersection of health, aging and finance, announced growing momentum for the company and its technology, along and a corresponding capital raise to fund its increasing opportunities. At the recent WealthManagement.com industry awards program, Whealthcare Planning was recognized as Technology Thought Leadership for its Whealthcare Academy and Education Center. This award comes on top of the recognition Whealthcare Planning garnered at the Investment News Innovation Awards.


eMoney Advisor, a financial planning software company that provides technology aimed at empowering financial advisors, has announced the release of a new API-centric solution called eMoney Access. This new service provides APIs that support financial planning, client fact data collection and document storage. The solution aims to consolidate functionality that for many financial advisors is currently handled by various services that lack the necessary integration capability to avoid complications and errors. The product announcement highlights statistics that claim the average financial advisor relies on seven different services to manage their business. eMoney Advisor hopes that the consolidation and integration of these services will have widespread benefits for financial planning institutions.


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