Creative Planning
Creative Planning announced the acquisition of Miller Financial Management, an RIA located in Muncie, Indiana.

Blockchange, a digital asset investing platform for professional wealth managers, and Gemini Trust Co., a cryptocurrency exchange and custodian, today announced a partnership to provide RIAs secure one-stop-shop for buying, selling and storing digital assets.

tru Independence
Portland, Ore.-based tru Independence, an open architecture service platform for breakaways and independent advisors, has hired Gary Bonner, a founding partner and former COO of Avalon Advisors, a Texas RIA, as its new COO.

Vasyl Soloshchuk is CEO and co-owner at INSART, a fintech engineering company. Soloshchuck is also the author of WealthTech Club, which conducts research into fortune and startup roboadvisor and wealth management companies in terms of the technology ecosystem.

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