These are two distinct personal experiences to demonstrate why many organizations are currently exploring setting up a behavioral science department. Leadership is beginning to realize that understanding behaviors is a real key to success.

We must understand that having the ability to build relationships is available to anyone.

Where To Begin:
• Become self-aware by using a validated scientifically based behavioral discovery process
• Encourage others you wish to build a relationship with to do the same
• Compare outcomes
• Discuss differences
• Agree how best to manage the differences
• Commit to using this invaluable behavioral insight in all areas of personal and working life

In the spirit of transparency—this is me.

I don’t want shallow or superficial relationships. I don’t want to be overly sensitive if someone challenges my thinking. I want to be able to self-monitor my behavior. This insight can only come from taking a deep dive into understanding what makes me tick.

Our inherent behavior is formed at a very young age. It is stable over time; why wouldn’t you want to get to understand it? Why wouldn’t you want to be able to influence others behavior?

There is, of course, no guarantee that your advisor will adjust their performance to embrace a more behaviorally based advisory relationship with you, but at this juncture the next question that you should be asking is this: Do I really want to continue to give my business to this advisor who clearly cares more about product sales than the plans I have that I trust will prosper me and give me and my family not only a good life but help us to deliver the hopes and dreams we have?

Do I want to book my expensive flights with this agent too pumped to even notice we were “switching off”?

No, I want to KNOW ME so I can more effectively KNOW YOU.

Carol Pocklington is chief insights accelerator at DNA Behavior, with offices in Atlanta, Ga. DNA Behavior International is a human performance acceleration business which uses a proprietary “behavior tech” platform to help advisors know, engage and grow all their employees and clients to deliver customized experiences.

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