If you are ready to reinvent your life in a new location, Live and Invest Overseas has selected some prime areas you might want to consider.

Areas that welcome new arrivals, have a low cost of living and offer beauty and sometimes adventure can be found across the globe.

Some of the places that come to mind first, such as Spain, Portugal and France, are still good spots, according to Live and Invest Overseas, an online resource on overseas destinations. But some places that do not spring to mind at first also are welcoming places to build a life.

Following are the places, some unconventional, that are hospitable to Americans with reasonable costs of living. They are listed in reverse order with some of the reasons that Live and Invest Overseas says they make good destinations.

No. 10. Kota Kinabalu, Malaysian Borneo

This laid-back and quiet city is one of the most pleasant places to live in Asia and is incredibly welcoming. A couple can live well here on $1,200 a month or less. Life revolves around the water and is lived outdoors. Island hopping to neighboring islands is easily done.