Arts and Culture

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Nazi-Looted Art Returned To Holocaust Victim's Heirs In New York


The works will be transferred to the heirs of Fritz Grunbaum, a songwriter, director and actor who openly mocked Hitler.

The Most Bizarre Items In Russell Crowe's Divorce Auction


The items include a Roman chariot used in Crowe's award-winning movie, "Gladiator."

Why Buy A BMW When You Could Subscribe?


The car company's new subscription program puts you in a top tier car for $3,700 a month.

Ritz-Carlton Is Fixing Everything You Hate About Cruise Ships


Its ships will offer luxuries largely unheard-of on cruise lines.

Spielberg Beaten By Brazil Evangelicals On 'Fake' Box Office


A large church allegedly bought up tickets for a new evangelical biopic and gave them away.

Concert Promoter Gets More Than Six Years For 'Hamilton' Scam


The Ponzi scheme used fake promises to buy and resell tickets to shows such as the blockbuster "Hamilton."

Howard Buffett Says Drug Epidemic, Border Issues Have Converged

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A border wall wouldn’t fully solve the issues, Warren Buffett's son said.

Japan's Largest Hot Springs Resort Banks On Foreign Tourists


Local and international hotel chains are expanding to target the boom in foreign tourists.

Rare Volcanic Wines Are Getting Poured Around The Globe


Some of the newest wines are from grapes grown on the steaming slopes of active volcanoes.

The Smithsonian's Exhibit Of Burning Man Art Is Actually Great


Organizers had to transfer pieces from the Nevada desert into a museum setting.

Rich Saudis Take Over Another Hotel But No Prisoners This Time

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A huge delegation led by Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman have occupied the hotel while on tour of the U.S.

NASA's New Planet-Hunter Is Searching For Worlds Just Like Earth


The 700-pound spacecraft, called the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), is scheduled to launch next month.

Forget Tiny Houses; The Design-Obsessed Now Want Miniature Homes


Building scale models of a beloved home that can fit on a tabletop has literally become a cottage industry.

Egypt's King Farouk Patek Watch Sets Middle East Auction Record


It was a banner close to the auction season in the region.

Basquiat Bought For $15,000 Could Fetch $30 Million At Sotheby's


It consists of several attached canvases and includes diagrams, text and images of disconnected body parts, brain and bones.

Restaurants Tap Hollywood Set Designers To Better Bottom Line


Restaurants are featuring elaborate interiors that are tailor-made for the Instagram generation.

Art Forgers Find A New Enemy In Verisart's Blockchain Startup

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Verisart is using blockchain, the technology underlying Bitcoin, to verify the authenticity of artwork.

Wayne Huizenga, Empire-Builder In Videos And Trash, Dies At 80


He typically sold off his assets at considerable profit after they had become industry leaders.

David Rockefeller’s Estate Sale May Hit $1 Billion


Starting May 8, Christie’s will auction off his massive art collection over the course of a week.

These Secret Ingredients May Be Fattening Your Restaurant Bill


High-end versions of such pantry staples as sugar and honey allow restaurants to boost the prices for some menu items.

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