July 2013 | |
Turning Prospects into Clients and Clients into Loyal Advocates | |
Sales & Boarding: Your Last Chance to Make a Good First Impression We all remember those big sales in our career. Weeks, even months of patience, nurturing and hard work finally paid off. And while it was memorable, do you recall what worked or what didn't? Why did that prospect select you over others? What did you do after the sale? What steps did you take to ensure your new client landed safely "onboard"? Did you live up to the expectations set during the sales process? Sales, onboarding and continuous client service are three intricately related stepping stones on a road to building long-term, loyal clients and advocates. In this toolkit, we will share the latest research and our best thinking including: 1) The Sales & Onboarding whitepaper 2) Full length video on how to create loyal advocates and 3) Companion Guide to a successful onboarding experience. |