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House Committee Chair Blasts DOL For Rushing Fiduciary Rule


Virginia Foxx wants the DOL to extend the comment period for the proposed rule.

Investors Misjudging Their Longevity, Jackson National Life Says


Investors' beliefs about their own life spans don't match the actuarial tables.

Social Security Remains Unsustainable


Cuts will happen unless Congress closes the gap between tax revenue and promised benefits.

Consumers Pull Cash From Retirement Accounts Amid Budget Stress


Some 2.3% of workers took a hardship withdrawal last quarter.

New Annuities Alternative Uses Longevity Pooling For Higher Monthly Payouts


LifeX will be available to people between ages 60 and 75.

Higher Bond Yields Mean Retirees Can Pull A Bit More From Savings


Morningstar says retired workers can now safely withdraw 4% a year, up slightly from a 2022 analysis.

Morningstar: New Retiree Safe Withdrawal Rate Is 4%


And with guardrails in place, retirees can pull 5.2% safely, the research firm said.

The 10 Best U.S. Places To Retire In 2024


The Rust Belt-heavy results of this U.S. News & World Report analysis may surprise you.

When Sequence Risk Is A Good Thing


Morningstar's John Rekenthaler considers “sequence opportunity” when people are accumulating assets.

Politics Influencing Investment Decisions, Nationwide Finds


Many Americans fear the 2024 presidential election could affect their retirement plans.

2024 Most Affordable Places To Retire

by FA Staff

These cities' costs for housing, utilities, food and medical fall well below those of others.

The Ex-Goldman Partner Singing And Dancing About Her Retirement


A star of fixed-income sales at Goldman is now the star of a Manhattan cabaret show.

Working With Grieving Spouses And The Social Security Administration


Advisors must be prepared when clients meet with the Social Security Administration.

U.S. Retiree Surplus Is Still Near Two Million, Years After Covid


The number of excess retirees has even unexpectedly risen from 1.7 million in June.

The 10 Worst States For Saving For A Home

by FA Staff

Here are the places that pose the biggest uphill climb for would-be home buyers.

Fed Pause 'Really Good Time' To Buy Stocks, Capital Group Says


The central bank's tightening cycle might be peaking. That could be a window for equities.

Annual IRS Hike Of 401(k) Contribution Rises By Only $500

by FA Staff

The increase is much less than the $2,000 hike that savers saw this year.

How Advisors Can Help Clients Solve The Roth 401(k) Puzzle


Regulators have been working out the kinks since the accounts launched as a messy hybrid of the Roth IRA and traditional 401(k).

Social Security Is Nearing A Crisis


Social Security is expected to exhaust its financial reserves in 2033, when benefits will automatically be cut by a quarter.

Even Affluent Earners Face Retirement Shortfalls


Only exceptionally high earners are poised to fund all their retirement needs, says a Vanguard study.

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