Barry Ritholtz

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Rorschach-Test Economy Lets You See What You Want


The expansion and bull market are aging and the data no longer point in just one direction.

Ivy League Endowments Make The Same Old Mistakes


Hedge funds and natural resources underperformed. New investments in private equity look no better.

Passive Investing Hasn’t Taken Over The World


Ignore the hype. Actively managed money dwarfs the assets in low-cost index funds.

SoftBank's Venture Capital Riches Swamp The Market


It's not just the quantity of money that’s the issue, it's the concentration of all that capital.

Stakeholder Capitalism Will Fail If It's Just Talk


Companies will have to prove they’re committed to goals beyond maximizing shareholder value.

The #TrumpRecession Label Is Going To Stick


Presidents usually get too much blame for economic slowdowns. This time is different.

The Bond Raters Still Need To Be Fixed


The reforms adopted after the financial crisis didn’t resolve the industry’s inherent conflicts.

Winner-Take-All Phenomenon Rules The Stock Market, Too


Any gains are attributable to a relative handful of companies.

Money Doesn't Deserve The Bad Rap It's Getting


More of it won’t necessarily make you happier day-to-day, but it does raise life satisfaction.

New Inequality Numbers Are A Gift To Campaign Sloganeers


The Fed developed a data set that throws wealth disparities into high relief.

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