Ben Steverman

Financial Planners Play Therapist To Paralyzed Liberals


The election of Donald Trump has caused some clients to press advisors into double duty as therapists.

Cheer Up, America: 1,700 Millionaires Are Minted Every Day


The biggest generational transfer of wealth in history has begun.

What The Rich Are Doing Now To Reap Trump's Tax Bonanza


For wealthy Americans, the outcome of the 2016 election could be lucrative.

Your Retirement Under President Trump


Here are a few ways Trump's presidency could influence your retirement.

Advice For The Next President: Expand Social Security


Professor Jesse Rothstein says expanding Social Security is both helpful for American retirement savers and doable.

U.S. Life Expectancy Now 6 Months Shorter


Over the past several years, the health of Americans has deteriorated.

The Rich Get Ready For Higher Taxes Under A President Clinton


Clinton is proposing higher taxes on Americans who make more than $250,000.

Americans Work 25% More Than Europeans, Study Finds


They’re also increasingly retiring later and taking fewer vacation days.

Divorce Is Destroying Retirement


Baby boomers suffer disproportionately from its financial fallout—especially women.

Is It Safe To Get Excited About Investing Again?


A fast-growing app called Stash is trying to make money by making investing enjoyable again.