Bloomberg News

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JPMorgan Mulls Pay Changes After Record Low Shareholder Support


JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s board will consider changes to how it compensates senior managers after a record low percentage of shareholders approved the latest pay packages.

Pipeline Billionaire Having Fun In The Oil Bust


Nobody was happier about the crash than Energy Transfer Chairman and CEO Kelcy Warren. “We got so lucky,” he says, flashing a giddy smile during an interview in his capacious Dallas office...

From Prudential Securities To Lawyer To Pro Coach


A defining moment in the life of Tampa Bay Lightning Coach Jon Cooper came when his former bosses at Prudential Securities asked that he get a Series 7.

Lynn Tilton, Patriarch Partners Named In Investor Fraud Suit


Lynn Tilton, the so-called Diva of Distressed who’s already defending SEC claims of overcharging customers by almost $200 million in fees, now faces fraud allegations by her clients.

Film By Two Women Has Wall Street Talking


"Equity," a movie about a female investment banker whose IPO is in jeopardy, is the product of interviews and meetings with dozens of former and current dealmakers.

A $200 Million Hedge-Fund Trade In Your Bond ETF Is Normal Now


Don’t be surprised if you see a huge chunk of cash simply evaporate one day from your exchange-traded bond fund. There’s a good chance it’s just a hedge fund cashing in on a bet.

Bernie Sanders To Introduce Bill To Make College Tuition-Free


Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders will introduce legislation on Tuesday to make college tuition-free in the United States.

Municipal Bond Sales Rise As Redemptions, Calls Hit $34 Billion


Municipal bond sales in the U.S. are set to increase in the next month while the amount of redemptions and maturing debt accelerates.

This Saudi Billionaire Can Run A Business But Not Drive


In her Saudi Arabia homeland, Lubna Olayan can’t drive, show her hair in public or leave the country without her husband’s permission...

Nobel Winner’s Math Is Showing S&P 500 Unhinged From Reality


If you sold every share of every company in the U.S. and used the money to buy up all the factories, machines and inventory, you’d have some cash left over. That's the bear case.

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