Bloomberg News

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Wealthy Weed Entrepreneurs Gobble Up Real Estate


Wealthy investors are buying warehouses and investing in ancillary marijuana businesses, while banks are unwilling to lend to the industry because it is still federally illegal.

European Tax Havens May Be Key To Russian Sanctions


The assets of Russia’s richest businessmen sit vulnerable in European subsidiaries, but freezing them requires help from countries that usually protect investors against foreign laws.

Notre Dame Gets $75 Million Gift From Trustee Jay Jordan


The University of Notre Dame received a gift of $75 million from trustee John W. “Jay” Jordan, the largest single donation in the school’s history.

Donald Trump’s New Jersey Course To Host 2022 PGA Championship


New Jersey’s Trump National Golf Club, a course owned by real estate developer Donald Trump, will host the 2022 PGA Championship.

KKR Targets Small Investors With $10,000 Minimum For Buyout Fund


KKR & Co., the private-equity firm run by billionaires Henry Kravis and George Roberts, is teaming up with Altegris to create an investment vehicle designed to attract smaller investors.

SEC Issues Partial Stay Of Conflict Minerals Reporting Rules


The SEC issued an order staying the effective date of the portion of its conflict minerals reporting requirement that a U.S. appeals court said would violate companies’ free-speech rights.

Globe-Trotting CEOs Fly On Corporate Jet As Perk Stigma Wanes


While U.S. boards have curtailed company-paid perks like hunting lodges and golf club memberships, CEOs are cranking up personal use of corporate jets.

Morgan Stanley Sells Swiss Private Bank Amid Changes In Bank Secrecy


Safra Group’s Swiss unit agreed to buy Morgan Stanley’s private banking business in Switzerland, adding to the exodus of foreign banks from the country since it gave ground on its bank secrecy...

Miami Becomes Home To Richest And Poorest


The city's poor live on $11 a day while the real estate boom widens the wealth gap.

Million-Dollar U.S. Home Sales Thrive While Low End Stumbles


Million-dollar homes in the U.S. are selling at double their historical average while middle-class property demand stumbles, showing that the housing recovery is mirroring America’s wealth divide.

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