James Saft/Reuters

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Politics To Blame For China Stocks' Lost Decades


The gap between China’s great long-term economic growth and its terrible market performance is explained by politics.

Market In Charge, Fed To Heed On Lowflation


Rather than the Fed guiding expectations, it is the market calling the shots.

Getting Rich The Insider Way, In Congress


It seems the best way to outperform as an investor is to get elected to Congress.

Get Ready For The Brave New World Of Higher Interest Rates


The long period of easy money has lulled both stock and bond investors into positions and assumptions that will soon prove dangerous, says this commentator.

Trump Shoulda Been An Index Investor?


Donald Trump’s possibly market-lagging stewardship of the fortune he inherited illustrates in a bizarre way the attractions of active wealth management.

It's Not The Buybacks, It's The Issuance


Investors appear to be getting wise to the buyback illusion, looking not just at shares being extinguished but at the greater number being created.

Earnings To Sing The Economy's Blues


This U.S. earnings season the data from the frontline is about to confirm the broader economic narrative: Things aren’t so great.

International Diversification Is Rising, But Still Slow


U.S. retirement savers are increasingly diversifying into international equities, but are still leaving much of what has to be considered a free lunch on the table.

Russia And The Dead BRIC Thesis


Russia's power move in Ukraine is the slap and the so-called BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and China) as an investment concept is the (now very much dead) belief.

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