Dan Moisand

 9 10 11 12  

'Time’ For Financial Planning


Good financial planning isn’t about forecasts or projections. It’s about managing one’s finances amid uncertainty.

Clearing Out The Political Noise


Discerning reality from rhetoric is a must for making sound financial decisions.

Momentum Shifting In Favor Of Financial Planners


A CFP Board court win, the DOL fiduciary proposal debate and the President’s recognition of a real financial advisor signal positive changes in our business, says columnist and advisor Dan Moisand.

The Hidden Costs Of Caregiving


Many retirees and those approaching retirement are finding themselves devoting more time, attention and money to caregiving, says advisor and columnist Dan Moisand.

DOL’s Critics Use Convoluted Logic


Columnist Dan Moisand talks about why he thinks the Department of Labor’s fiduciary rule proposal is a good thing.

Weathering The Storm


Investors worried about the next market crash could take some lessons from the way Floridians prepare for hurricane season.

Minimizing Conflicts Between Heirs


The most common topics of debate among heirs are funeral arrangements and the disposition of personal belongings, says Dan Moisand of Moisand Fitzgerald Tamayo LLC.

Home Alone


Here are three ways advisors can help their elderly clients who live alone, says columnist and advisor Dan Moisand.

Why End-Of-Life Planning Has Great Value


Planning is no easy task when someone is dying, but it can make an enormous difference to clients and their families, says advisor and columnist Dan Moisand.

Don't Be Too Quick To Drop Life Insurance At Retirement


Financial planners can be of great value to retirees by helping them make sensible choices about their life insurance, says advisor and columnist Dan Moisand.

 9 10 11 12