Robert Laura

 9 10 11 12 13

Biggest Retirement Threat? It's Not Running Out Of Money


The greatest threat to retirement is rarely discussed or planned for, says columnist Robert Laura.

Five Things Advisors Should Tell Clients About Retirement, But Often Don't

by Robert Laura

Columnist Robert Laura says advisors need to change how they talk with clients about retirement planning.

Breaking The Mold Part 2: Marriage And Retirement

by Robert Laura

Columnist Robert Laura says advisors can stand out from their peers by talking with couples about the social and emotional impact of retirement.

Break The Mold


In advisors'never-ending quest to differentiate themselves, they simply end up mimicking each other...

Retirement Metaphors


They can be powerful ways for advisors to explain or communicate concepts – and understand their clients, says columnist Robert Laura.

Retirement Shock Therapy


Have you ever wished that you could tell a client he could retire next year – as long as he shacks up with his kids and eats ramen noodles for the rest of his life?

 9 10 11 12 13