Social Media

Facebook Author Opens IMCA Conference

by Mike Byrnes

Ben Mezrich entertained attendees with anecdotes about blackjack card-counting, stolen moon rocks and the real story behind Facebook.

LinkedIn's IPO Price May Top $4B

LinkedIn Corp., the largest professional-networking Web site, increased the price range for its initial public offering, lifting the company's potential valuation to as much as $4.25 billion.

Tweets That Mean Business

by Mike Byrnes

Advisors are finding that social media is more helpful than just sharing silly things like what you ate for dinner last night.

LinkedIn Presents Your Networking Galaxy

by Mike Byrnes

A new LinkedIn mapping tool gives users a graphic representation of their network of contacts.

LinkedIn Profiles Increase Advisor Visibility

by Mike Byrnes

Advisors who effectively use social networks have better online results from Google, Yahoo! and Bing for their personal profile pages than their own Web sites.

SEC Warns Advisors, Investors About Social Media


Investment scammers are targeting their victims through social media and Internet sites, and advisors should be on the lookout, according to the SEC.

Traction On A Slippery Slope

by Evan Zall

Advisors should approach social media with cautious optimism.

Three Simple Social Media Strategies

Are you an advisor who is interested in social media, but do not know how to get started?

How Advisors Can Be Successful With Social Media

by Clara Shih

Ten tips for financial professionals.

Six Technology Tips From The FPA Conference

by Mike Byrnes

Ideas for advisors on integrating technology to improve their businesses.

Social Media Compliance Is A Gray Area

by Mike Byrnes

Advisors are concerned about compliance when using social media, but they can take steps like these to avoid problems.

Become A Recognized Expert Online

by Mike Byrnes

Experts at FPA Business Solutions conference talk about why social media will continue to become more important and how advisors can capitalize on it.

FPA Business Solutions 2011

See photos from this well-attended conference in Boston.

Advisors Can Learn From This Super Bowl Ad

by Mike Byrnes

It is reported that over $1 billion was spent on this year's Super Bowl ads. I think the Audi commercial called "Release The Hounds" was the best.

Social Media Musts--10 Things You Need To Do

by Mike Byrnes

Social media is a powerful tool that advisors often underutilized.

Tweeting Rules May Leave Advisors With Little To Say

Securities firms are largely absent from the social media revolution because regulators and company rules have prevented financial advisors from using sites such as LinkedIn and Twitter.

Advisors Not Using Social Media Enough

by Joan Gunin

Financial advisors must stop "sitting on (their) hands" and begin to think differently about using social media, an expert told advisors at the recent SRI in the Rockies conference.

Why Social Media?

by Mike Byrnes

Here are ten ways advisors can benefit from social media.

Social Discretion Advised

by Jerilyn Klein Bier

Financial advisors test social media.

A New Era

by Andrew Gluck

With broker-dealers now starting to embrace social media, advisors have many more ways to market their firms.