Barry Ritholtz

Barry Ritholtz is a Bloomberg View columnist writing about finance, the economy and the business world. He started the Big Picture blog in 2003 and is the founder of Ritholtz Wealth Management, an asset management and financial planning firm. Ritholtz was previously the chief executive officer and director of equity research at FusionIQ, a quantitative research firm for which he continues to consult. He is the author of "Bailout Nation" and is a graduate of Stony Brook University and Yeshiva University's Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law. He lives on New York's Long Island with his wife.

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The Kansas Supply-Side Experiment Unravels


By just about every measure, Kansas' economic laboratory tax-cutting experiment is now over.

Judging GE's Jeff Immelt Versus Jack Welch


Depending upon the version you prefer, Welch was either a management genius, very lucky, or a cheater who cooked the books.

Donald Trump's Economic Agenda Is Almost Dead


Trump's long-awaited “pivot towards being presidential” hasn't arrived, and by all indications never will.

It's Not Just Retail That's Changing. It's Us.


Technology keeps people too busy to go to the mall, and gives them an alternative to buying lots of stuff.

The Housing Market Is Ripe For Tech Disruption


The process of buying and selling a home in the U.S. is needlessly inefficient. That will inevitably change.

Retirement Savers Really Do Need Government Help


Trump will let a rule to go into effect requiring financial advisors to put client interests first. But more needs to be done.

The Only Question Investors Have Is About Trump


Politics can and occasionally does matter to markets—just much less than many people assume.

The VIX Tells Us Little About Markets Tomorrow


Are you worried the VIX broke 10 this week? Well, you shouldn't be.

ETFs Aren't About To Destroy The Investing World


Barry Ritholtz takes issue with a recent report warning about the dangers of ETFs.

Judging The Staying Power Of Record Markets


Fair value is a theoretical point that stocks careen past on their way to becoming wildly expensive or extremely cheap.

Be Smart When You Compare Reagan's Economy To Obama's


A new article comparing the two economic periods shows how partisan biases get in the way of clear analysis.

The Investing Parallels Of Alcohol And Marijuana


Like investments in the alcohol industry after Prohibition was repealed, the marijuana business is an enticing opportunity.

Read With Caution When There's Money At Stake


You should have more than a passing familiarity with those writing about finance.

An Anecdote Masquerades As An Investment Signal


This investing concept sounds intriguing at first, but doesn't hold up to close scrutiny.

Breaking Up The Big Banks Offers A Lot To Like


It’s a good time to revisit the actual impact of the Glass-Steagall Act repeal.

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