March 2001

Going Their Own Way

by Raymond Fazzi

With academia on its side, DFA is aggressive– even arrogant– in its defense of passive investing.

A Key To College


A new way to invest for higher education –529 savings plans–provides tremendous benefits for most people. But the plans do have some limitations.

Finding The Target

by Tracey Longo

Some veteran financial advisors are discovering the pull of the middle class is difficult to resist. Here are a few methods for taking on the market.

Please Don't Ask Me To Budget!

by J. Michael Martin

Retirement provides a natural opportunity to reallocate cash flows.

The Calamoses And Their Chameleons

by Marla Brill

The family specializes in convertible bonds, often ignored and misunderstood.

New IRA Rules Simplify Distributions

by Raymond Fazzi

One table will be used, and beneficiaries may stretch out withdrawals.