5. Who else did you consider?

6. What do you value most about your advisor?

7. Do you trust your advisor?

8. What is the real value your advisor provides?

Many times your clients will answer that they have emotionally and intellectually connected with you, and that's what you want to hear. You can never do too much introspection on your key clients. Existing clients are sources of more assets and are templates for prospective clients.

To Sum Up

With all of this in mind, you see how important it is to understand who your coveted clients are, and more important, to understand the successes you have had with them. Only then can you begin to share the answers to, "Who Have You Done it For?" with confidence, passion and speed.

The strategic implications of this question allow you to focus on the client. You will consider who they are, who they should be, what are their priorities. It will force you to think about your specialization and if it is well-suited to your current client base. You also can focus on how your clients will measure your success.

Regardless of how well you answer Value Ladder steps 1 through 4, clients want to know whether you have helped others like them. Have you delivered your unique value? Have you put your business beliefs into practice? Has your process led to success? Developing a polished, considered answer to "Who Have You Done It For?" is critical to building a powerful Value Ladder.

I'll see you in May, and we'll discuss the sixth step on the Value Ladder, "What Makes You Different?"

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